Case studies

Community & Capacity

Be Prepared with Australian Red Cross' Emergency RediPlan (PLP New England-01)

Bright & Beautiful at GLENRAC's Rural Women's Day 2021

Building a Socially Savvy Community (LLCI031-029)

Building Better Biodiversity on Solar Farms (LEP23-24-01)

Caring for Wildlife During an Emergency (PLP New England - 06)

Communities coming together reaps rewards! (LP008-005)

Cultivating skills and community connections for Glen Innes (D.64)

Drought Support GLENRAC Style 2020

Emergency Preparedness Practical Skills: Chainsaw Operation (PLP New England - 02)

Emergency Preparedness Practical Skills: Small Powered Machines (PLP New England - 04)

Extending the GLENRAC community through Facebook

Fabulous 2016 Rural Women's Day (LLCI031-022)

Farm Biosecurity for Glen Innes Producers (LLCI031-025)

First Aid in a Remote or Isolated Site (PLP New England - 08)

Fit Farmers for Glen Innes (LLCI031-021)

Glen Elgin Eco Carers (LLCI031-023)

GLENRAC Finds Focus(LLCI31-027)

Harnessing Household Composting, Glen Innes (LLCI031-028)

Household Composting & Worm Farming 101!

Implementing Sustainable Land Management Practices (2009-2013)

Increasing Knowledge in Ecosystems Services (25ALG-226)

Let's Talk 2019 - Red Cross Christmas Events

Let's Talk 2020 - Emerging From the Big Dry

Local Community Champions - (LP008-002)

Local Links - Stronger Communities (LLCI031-030)

NE&NW 2021 Awards Booklet created by GLENRAC

Rural Women are Inspiring! (LP008-006)

Start-Up Stories (LEP23-24-02)

St Vincent de Paul funding supports Glen Innes community to recover & connect after bushfire

Tapping Into Training (LP008-001)

The 29th Rural Women’s Gathering goes off with a bang in Glen Innes! (LP008-008)

The 2022 Fit Farmers event provided valuable learnings from local farmers. (LP008-009)

Winter Garden Weekend a success! (2021)!