Wild dog target


Submitted - NSW DPI

This November, northern NSW residents can have their say in local wild dog management plans and activities by participating in a targeted survey.

NSW Department of Primary Industries (DPI) economist, Salahadin Khairo, said the survey was designed to detect areas where wild dogs impact on local communities and identify the best management options.

“We are targeting a diverse community of producers, small landholders and people living in peri-urban areas, where wild dogs are found,” Mr Khairo said.

“Up to 800 local residents will be contacted by email, mobile and landline telephone services and by post to ensure we reach people whose lives are affected by wild dogs.

“The information they provide will help better direct resources to manage wild dog impacts.”

The survey is being conducted through a University of New England research project in collaboration with north-eastern NSW wild dog facilitator, David Worsley.

NSW Northern Tablelands and North Coast residents who would like to take the survey or get more information on the project should contact Salahadin Khairo, (02) 6391 3753, salahadin.khairo@dpi.nsw.gov.au

Media contact: Bernadette York (02) 6938 1664, 0427 773 785


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