Katie Barnett has joined GLENRAC as a Sustainable Ag Project Officer.

The Glen Innes Natural Resources Advisory Committee (GLENRAC) has welcomed a new Project Officer for Sustainable Agriculture to their team, with Katie Barnett stepping into the role.

Originally from Kempsey, Katie completed a Bachelor of Agriculture and Bachelor of Business with an Agribusiness major at the University of New England (UNE) before embarking on a role as an Assistant Manager on a superfine merino and agroforestry operation in the New England region.

Katie's profound enthusiasm for rural life shines through as she actively engages in various learning opportunities. These include attending and organizing working dog schools and Low-Stress Stock Handling courses, all aimed at enriching her farm and livestock management expertise and deepening her connection with the broader agriculture community.

GLENRAC Chief Executive Officer Kylie Falconer welcomed Katie’s appointment as Project Officer and says her enthusiasm and willingness to get involved in her local community will be an asset to the organisation and the district.

“Katie will be working closely with landholders throughout the region and the University of New England to improve farmers’ capability to manage productive pastures.”

“The project focuses on supporting farmers to be better equipped for when the next dry hits”.

“Katie’s role is supported by funding from the Future Drought Fund, a project that involves partnerships with the University of New England and the Southern Queensland & Northern NSW Drought Resilience Adoption & Innovation Hub (SQNNSW)”.

As a UNE graduate, Katie will be working with many of the same university lecturers she met as a student and will also lead GLENRAC’s projects such as drought-resilient pasture landscapes, stock water management, and utilising drones for weed monitoring and control.

“I’ve previously attended GLENRAC events and heard about their good work in the region, so I’m excited to be joining the team”.

Farmers interested in finding out more about the Future Drought Fund project can contact GLENRAC on 02 6732 3443, or drop into the GLENRAC office at 68 Church St, Glen Innes NSW 2370.


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