GLENRAC (Glen Innes) and GWYMAC (Inverell) have obtained funding as part of the Australian Federal Government’s “Caring For Our Country” program, to run a joint program along the Severn River stretching from the headwaters east of Dundee to Kwiambal National Park north west of Ashford where the Severn River meets the MacIntyre River.  The funding application was approved in November 2011 and the project will be rolling out during 2012 – 2013.

The program is aimed at improving the water quality of the Severn River by integrating river and land management plans.  Landholders with properties adjoining the Severn River itself as well as major tributaries such as Frazers Creek and Wellingrove Creek are encouraged to get involved.  As part of the program a River Reach Plan will be generated in order to identify priority areas.

There will be funding available for on ground works on private or public property with a view to addressing soil erosion issues,  fencing to land capability, fencing to restrict stock access to the Severn River, providing off stream watering points and fencing to promote regeneration of native vegetation and/or revegetation plantings.

Also as part of the Federal Government’s funding, heavily subsidised educational opportunities are being offered.   As the area covered by the project is quite extensive, landholders will have the opportunity to attend a one day “Healthy Soils” workshop provided by Resource Consulting Services in Glen Innes on the 7th March or Nullamanna, Inverell on 8th March 2012 at a heavily subsidised price.  A further one day workshop “Property Planning & Monitoring” offered in Glen Innes on 16th May or Ashford 17th May 2012.

For further information or enquiries please contact Kylie Falconer at GLENRAC on (02) 6732 3443 or Anya Salmon at GWYMAC on (02) 6721 1241.


Coolatai Field day