Coolatai Field day


Coolatai Grass Field Day Attracts Interest

GLENRAC hosted a field day on Friday 24th February at Jim and Yvonne Benton’s Strathbogie property “Reedy Creek”. The field day was held to showcase the results of Year 2 of a Coolatai Grass management demonstration at the property. The property is located approximately 50km north west of Glen Innes.

Property owner and host, Jim Benton gave field day attendees a tour of several paddocks where Coolatai grass control using chemical control with a Swing Wiper in conjunction with grazing management, use of fertilizer and the addition of legume seed, arrow leaf clover and lucerne had been implemented. At two sites, Jim has also trialled pasture cropping using forage oats to fill a winter/spring feed gap and reduce bloat risk in the Spring.

Thirty five interested landholders from across the local area and as far afield asTamworthand Bingara attended the field day. The practical and visual tour of the demonstration sites was complemented by a strong panel of agronomists from NSW Dept. of Primary Industries (NSW DPI); Jeff Lowein, Glen Innes, Bob McGufficke, Inverell and Lester McCormick, Tamworth. Topics presented by the District Agronomist’s included an overview of previous Coolatai trials conducted by NSW DPI around Manilla and Bingara/Barraba and a snapshot of the establishment of tropical pastures.

Chris Nadnolny, an ecologist from Office of Environmen & Heritage presented the results of several Coolatai grass trials conducted by University of the New England researchers as well trial conducted by National Parks and Wildlife at Kwiambal NP. Chris highlighted that Coolatai grass is not just an agricultural weed but is also a threat to biodiversity in conservation areas.

The day concluded with an overview of property planning from Bruce Gardiner from Border River Gwydir Catchment Management Authority (BRG-CMA). The field day created a great deal of discussion from the audience and a range of ideas were exchanged over the course of the day. Thanks to the Benton family for hosting the event, BRG-CMA for ongoing support of this demonstration and to the Vegetable Creek Hospital Auxiliary committee for excellent catering.

For more information on this demonstration, printed fact sheets on Year One and Two of the demonstration are available on the GLENRAC website,


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