Ben Lomond Landcare Investigates Soils


The Ben Lomond Landcare group hosted a soils workshop at “Highfields” Ben Lomond on Wednesday 21st March 2012. Guest speakers for the workshop were Brian Wilson, soil scientist from the University of New England and Garry McDouall, holistic farming educator from Resource Consulting Services, Bingara.

The Ben Lomond Landcare group are part of a three year project funded by the Australian Government’s Community Action Grant program to conduct annual soil carbon monitoring on 13 properties across the Ben Lomond district. This workshop was part of the second year’s funding and supplied high quality speakers for local farmers.

Associate Professor Brian Wilson presented a range of practical information on the challenges for farmers in participating in the emerging carbon market, including a snap shot of the international market place. Brian also gave an overview of the management practices farmers can use to increase soil carbon but cautioned that soil carbon is influenced by seasonal and external factors such as rainfall and fire beyond our control.

Brian reflected on the soil carbon data collected by the Ben Lomond Landcare group, measured at 0 to 30cm depths and the magnitude of the changes in carbon levels from 2011 to 2012 with sites varying from increasing to decreasing carbon levels. Brian’s talk created a great deal of lively discussion and debate and answered a number of questions raised by those present.

The second presenter, Garry McDouall challenged the group with their vision for the future of agriculture and their definition of sustainable agriculture.  Garry posed the thought that regenerative agriculture may be a better vision for the future and that all parts of the ecosystem need to be considered in relation to their interconnectedness.  Gary spoke on the need to build resilience in farming business’s and what grazing management principles need to be considered to increase soil carbon and nurture farm ecosystems for a regenerative future.

The Ben Lomond Landcare group would like to thank project supporters – GLENRAC and the Australian Government; guest speakers, Brian Wilson and Garry McDouall, property hosts, the Piestch family and the Ben Lomond Memorial Hall for catering for the event.


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