Plant Identification of trees and shrubs on Rummerys Hill


Rummerys Hill Landcare Group hosted a “Plant Identification of trees and shrubs on Rummerys Hill” afternoon on Saturday 25th February.  The afternoon was well attended with many people from the Emmaville and Glen Innes district.  The field day was held to provide information for those interested in identifying native species on their land or in their area.

Coordinator of the Rummerys Hill Landcare Group, Peter King , took us through the basics of plant identification and provided some great notes on common tree and shrub species on ‘the Hill’ and how to identify them.  We then did a short bush walk to practice our new skills and spotted many of the plants talked about.

This field day was the third of four days being run by the Rummerys Hill landcare group to provide education to landowners in the area, with a Pest control demonstration being held on the 24th March.

Rummerys Hill is a vital part of the Deepwater to Ashford wildlife corridor and this project, funded under the “Caring for Our Country” funding and supported by GLENRAC (Glen Innes Natural Resource Advisory Committee) is to provide biodiversity management information and skills to protect and improve the condition of this key native habitat.


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