Pest Animal Issues? Have Your Say!


A survey to assess landholder concerns regarding pest animals has been developed as a part of the “Pest Animal Management and Landholder Engagement in New England NSW” project. The responses received from the survey will assist Landcare and other organisations such as the Livestock Health and Pest Authority, Department of Primary Industries and Catchment Management Authorities to gain a snap shot of pest animal concerns and current management across the region. Responses will help direct field day topics and funding applications into the future. This short survey includes questions such as “What pest animal impacts are you concerned about?” and “Would you like to be involved in a coordinated pest control group?” Survey responses will be treated confidentially and will contribute to an improvement in pest animal management across our region. To complete the survey go to or complete the hard copy provided in this newsletter and return to your local Landcare office. Thank you for your participation. This project is funded through the Australian Government’s Caring for Our Country program.


Mann River Reach Project – now calling for Expressions of Interest


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