Mann River Reach Project – now calling for Expressions of Interest


The Mann River Reach project provides funding for land owners from the Northern Rivers Catchment Management Authority (NRCMA). This project has invested funds over the past two years for projects along the Mann River including fencing to manage stock access to the river; installation of alternative watering points, planting of native trees and shrubs, weed control of emerging weeds such as broad and narrow leaf privet, honey locust and Japanese honey suckle.

Northern Rivers CMA now invite Expressions of Interest from land owners interested in completing projects in the 2012-13 financial year. NRCMA staff members are available to assist land owners in developing a site action plan and budget for project ideas with a view that those projects developed will then be eligible to apply for funding. Tony Broderick from NRCMA will be in Glen Innes on the 27th & 28th of August 2012 and will be available to meet with and/or complete site inspections.

If you are interested in participating in this project please complete the Expression of Interest form and return it to the GLENRAC office by post or email by Friday 24th August 2012.                

If you have any questions regarding the Mann River Reach project contact the GLENRAC office on 02 6732 3443.


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